Hooked detail 2024
STAC Gallery Clonmel, Ireland
plumbing, tree root, shower roses, tweed thread
collaboration with Anna Macleod

Hooked detail
STAC Gallery Clonmel, Ireland
plumbing, tree root, 2 shower roses, tweed thread
collaboration with Anna Macleod

Hooked, 2024, tree root, plumbing, shower roses, tweed thread, fabric tape, 302 × 250 × 125
collaboration with Anna Macleod, STAC Gallery Clonmel, Ireland

Hydrozomia detail
salvaged tree, stool, plumbing, local weeds, plastic, mirror, crustacean parts, rubber, dis-interred rusted iron parts & bottles, plasterboard, Calamine lotion, electrical components
dimensions variable
Solstice Arts Centre, Navan, Ireland

Protodendron (Coral-ations) 2024
collaboration with Anna Macleod
ceramic, glaze, tweed thread, fabric tape
dimensions variable
STAC Gallery Clonmel, Ieland

Tesascope (Coral-ations), 2023
at Solstice Arts Centre Navan, Irealnd 2024
ceramic, glaze 20 × 22 × 18

variegated privet, earth, plumbing, water
1800 x 1100 x 780
Exhibited: The Lab Gallery, Dublin, Ireland 2023
courtesy of the artist

variegated privet, earth, plumbing, water
1800 x 1100 x 780
Exhibited: The Lab Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
photograph Louis Haugh

variegated privet, earth, plumbing, water1800 x 1100 x 780
Exhibited: The Lab Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
photograph Louis Haugh

dried bush, electrical components, speaker, old mirror
650 x 650 x 1400
Exhibition, ‘an atom bomb in each morsel of life’ at The Lab Gallery, Dublin 2023
Photo: Louis Haugh

dried bush, electrical components, speaker, old mirror
650 x 650 x 1400
Exhibition: ‘an atom bomb in each morsel of life’ at The Lab Gallery, Dublin 2023
Photo: Louis Haugh

Containment - Chthonic part 2
dimensions variable
wood, bathroom furniture, electrical components, plumbing pipes and connectors, filler, phone video, plant parts, crustacean.
Exhibited: Rua Red Gallery, Ireland
photo: David Reilly

Containment detail
dimensions variable
wood, bathroom furniture, used and new plumbing components, electrical components, phone video, plant parts, crustacean.
Exhibited: Rua Red Gallery, Ireland
photo: David Reilly

SEE ‘3sinks 3MOUTHS' video here
2020 dimensions variable
bathroom furniture, plumbing pipes and connectorsphone/video, wood.
Exhibited: Rua Red Gallery and in ‘Palimpsest’, CHQ, Dublin, 2021.
courtesy of the artist

wood, plumbing, glass, salt water, ash, electrical components, paint 300 x 160 x 235Arts Council of Ireland Collection
Exhibited at: ‘Woman in the Machine’, Braun/VISUAL, Carlow, TULCA, Galway 2019, Winter Show, RUA RED, Dublin, Ireland & Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.

wood, plumbing, glass, salt water, ash, electrical components, paint 300 x 160 x 235
Arts Council of Ireland Collection

wood, plumbing, glass, salt water, ash, electrical components, paint 300 x 160 x 235
Arts Council Collection.
Exhibited: ‘Woman in the Machine’, Braun/VISUAL, Carlow, TULCA, Galway 2019, Winter Show, RUA RED, Dublin, Ireland and Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark
Link to Sue Rainsford - Overflowing, Visual Carlow
photo Jonathon Salmon

wood, plumbing, glass, salt water, ash, electrical components, paint 300 x 160 x 235
Arts Council Collection.
Link to Sue Rainsford - Overflowing, Visual Carlow
photo Jonathon Salmon

wood- burnt, copper plumbing, plinth, electrical components
285 x 65 x 78

wood- burnt, copper plumbing, plinth, electrical components
285 x 65 x 78

wood- burnt, copper plumbing, plinth, electrical components
285 x 65 x 78

tree section, copper, electrical component
202 x 190 x 125
Exhibited at 189th RHA Annual Exhibition (2019)
photo John Owens

tree section, copper, electrical component
202 x 190 x 125
Exhibited at 189th RHA Annual Exhibition (2019)
photo John Owens

tree section, copper, electrical component
202 x 190 x 125
Exhibited at 189th RHA Annual Exhibition (2019)

wood, copper, brass
270 x 65 x 124
Exhibited: ‘Hydrozomes // water bodies’, solo exhibition, Pallas P/S, Dublin, and ‘CAST’, Luan Gallery, Athlone, Ireland
Private Collection
Link to interactive Webpage >
photo John Owens

‘Hydrozomes // water bodies’ , Pallas P/S, Dublin,
> link to PALLAS interactive web page
courtesy of the artist

wood, crustacean, patinated copper plumbing pipeage
180 x 70 x 95
Exhibited in ‘Hydrozomes // water bodies’, solo exhibition, Pallas P/S, Dublin, Nov 11-27 2021 Link to interactive Webpage >
photo Lee Welch

wood, crustacean, patinated copper plumbing pipeage
180 x 70 x 95
Photo Lee Welch

tree, copper, rubber phlange, cast iron socket, paint, concrete paver
210 x 140 x 65
photo Lee Welch

tree, copper, rubber phlange, cast iron socket, paint
210 x 140 x 65

wood, lichen, crustacean, paint, used plumbing
65 x 68 x 45
Exhibited: The DOCK, Carrick-on-Shannon, Pallas P/S, Dublin, Ireland

wood, lichen, crustacean, paint, used plumbing
65 x 68 x 45
Exhibited: The DOCK, Carrick-on-Shannon, Pallas P/S, Dublin, Ireland

wood, lichen, crustacean, paint, used plumbing
65 x 68 x 45
Exhibited: The DOCK, Carrick-on-Shannon, Pallas P/S, Dublin, Ireland
photo Lee Welch

SEE Transposon video
wood, copper, brass, 21” tv screen (24 sec. video loop)
75cm x 42cm x 63cm
Exhibited in RHA Annual 2021, TULCA 2019, Galway and CAST 2018, Luan Gallery, Athlone, Ireland.
Photo: John Owens

Transposon video link >
wood, copper, brass, 21” tv screen (24 sec. video loop) Installation clip link >
75cm x 42cm x 63cm
Exhibited in RHA Annual 2021, TULCA 2019, Galway and CAST 2018, Luan Gallery, Athlone, Ireland.
Photo: John Owens

SEE Transposon Video
wood, copper, brass, 21” tv screen (24 sec. video loop) INSTALLATION CLIP link here
75cm x 42cm x 63cm
Exhibited: CAST, Luan Gallery, Athlone, TULCA 2019, Galway and RHA Annual 2021, Ireland.

Hooked detail 2024
STAC Gallery Clonmel, Ireland
plumbing, tree root, shower roses, tweed thread
collaboration with Anna Macleod
Hooked detail
STAC Gallery Clonmel, Ireland
plumbing, tree root, 2 shower roses, tweed thread
collaboration with Anna Macleod
Hooked, 2024, tree root, plumbing, shower roses, tweed thread, fabric tape, 302 × 250 × 125
collaboration with Anna Macleod, STAC Gallery Clonmel, Ireland
Hydrozomia detail
salvaged tree, stool, plumbing, local weeds, plastic, mirror, crustacean parts, rubber, dis-interred rusted iron parts & bottles, plasterboard, Calamine lotion, electrical components
dimensions variable
Solstice Arts Centre, Navan, Ireland
Protodendron (Coral-ations) 2024
collaboration with Anna Macleod
ceramic, glaze, tweed thread, fabric tape
dimensions variable
STAC Gallery Clonmel, Ieland
Tesascope (Coral-ations), 2023
at Solstice Arts Centre Navan, Irealnd 2024
ceramic, glaze 20 × 22 × 18
variegated privet, earth, plumbing, water
1800 x 1100 x 780
Exhibited: The Lab Gallery, Dublin, Ireland 2023
courtesy of the artist
variegated privet, earth, plumbing, water
1800 x 1100 x 780
Exhibited: The Lab Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
photograph Louis Haugh
variegated privet, earth, plumbing, water1800 x 1100 x 780
Exhibited: The Lab Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
photograph Louis Haugh
SEE Link to video ‘Apparatus’
dried bush, electrical components, speaker, old mirror
650 x 650 x 1400
Exhibition, ‘an atom bomb in each morsel of life’ at The Lab Gallery, Dublin 2023
Photo: Louis Haugh
dried bush, electrical components, speaker, old mirror
650 x 650 x 1400
Exhibition: ‘an atom bomb in each morsel of life’ at The Lab Gallery, Dublin 2023
Photo: Louis Haugh
Containment - Chthonic part 2
dimensions variable
wood, bathroom furniture, electrical components, plumbing pipes and connectors, filler, phone video, plant parts, crustacean.
Exhibited: Rua Red Gallery, Ireland
photo: David Reilly
Containment detail
dimensions variable
wood, bathroom furniture, used and new plumbing components, electrical components, phone video, plant parts, crustacean.
Exhibited: Rua Red Gallery, Ireland
photo: David Reilly
SEE ‘3sinks 3MOUTHS' video here
2020 dimensions variable
bathroom furniture, plumbing pipes and connectorsphone/video, wood.
Exhibited: Rua Red Gallery and in ‘Palimpsest’, CHQ, Dublin, 2021.
courtesy of the artist
wood, plumbing, glass, salt water, ash, electrical components, paint 300 x 160 x 235Arts Council of Ireland Collection
Exhibited at: ‘Woman in the Machine’, Braun/VISUAL, Carlow, TULCA, Galway 2019, Winter Show, RUA RED, Dublin, Ireland & Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.
wood, plumbing, glass, salt water, ash, electrical components, paint 300 x 160 x 235
Arts Council of Ireland Collection
wood, plumbing, glass, salt water, ash, electrical components, paint 300 x 160 x 235
Arts Council Collection.
Exhibited: ‘Woman in the Machine’, Braun/VISUAL, Carlow, TULCA, Galway 2019, Winter Show, RUA RED, Dublin, Ireland and Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark
Link to Sue Rainsford - Overflowing, Visual Carlow
photo Jonathon Salmon
wood, plumbing, glass, salt water, ash, electrical components, paint 300 x 160 x 235
Arts Council Collection.
Link to Sue Rainsford - Overflowing, Visual Carlow
photo Jonathon Salmon
wood- burnt, copper plumbing, plinth, electrical components
285 x 65 x 78
wood- burnt, copper plumbing, plinth, electrical components
285 x 65 x 78
wood- burnt, copper plumbing, plinth, electrical components
285 x 65 x 78
tree section, copper, electrical component
202 x 190 x 125
Exhibited at 189th RHA Annual Exhibition (2019)
photo John Owens
tree section, copper, electrical component
202 x 190 x 125
Exhibited at 189th RHA Annual Exhibition (2019)
photo John Owens
tree section, copper, electrical component
202 x 190 x 125
Exhibited at 189th RHA Annual Exhibition (2019)
wood, copper, brass
270 x 65 x 124
Exhibited: ‘Hydrozomes // water bodies’, solo exhibition, Pallas P/S, Dublin, and ‘CAST’, Luan Gallery, Athlone, Ireland
Private Collection
Link to interactive Webpage >
photo John Owens
‘Hydrozomes // water bodies’ , Pallas P/S, Dublin,
> link to PALLAS interactive web page
courtesy of the artist
wood, crustacean, patinated copper plumbing pipeage
180 x 70 x 95
Exhibited in ‘Hydrozomes // water bodies’, solo exhibition, Pallas P/S, Dublin, Nov 11-27 2021 Link to interactive Webpage >
photo Lee Welch
wood, crustacean, patinated copper plumbing pipeage
180 x 70 x 95
Photo Lee Welch
tree, copper, rubber phlange, cast iron socket, paint, concrete paver
210 x 140 x 65
photo Lee Welch
tree, copper, rubber phlange, cast iron socket, paint
210 x 140 x 65
wood, lichen, crustacean, paint, used plumbing
65 x 68 x 45
Exhibited: The DOCK, Carrick-on-Shannon, Pallas P/S, Dublin, Ireland
wood, lichen, crustacean, paint, used plumbing
65 x 68 x 45
Exhibited: The DOCK, Carrick-on-Shannon, Pallas P/S, Dublin, Ireland
wood, lichen, crustacean, paint, used plumbing
65 x 68 x 45
Exhibited: The DOCK, Carrick-on-Shannon, Pallas P/S, Dublin, Ireland
photo Lee Welch
SEE Transposon video
wood, copper, brass, 21” tv screen (24 sec. video loop)
75cm x 42cm x 63cm
Exhibited in RHA Annual 2021, TULCA 2019, Galway and CAST 2018, Luan Gallery, Athlone, Ireland.
Photo: John Owens
Transposon video link >
wood, copper, brass, 21” tv screen (24 sec. video loop) Installation clip link >
75cm x 42cm x 63cm
Exhibited in RHA Annual 2021, TULCA 2019, Galway and CAST 2018, Luan Gallery, Athlone, Ireland.
Photo: John Owens
SEE Transposon Video
wood, copper, brass, 21” tv screen (24 sec. video loop) INSTALLATION CLIP link here
75cm x 42cm x 63cm
Exhibited: CAST, Luan Gallery, Athlone, TULCA 2019, Galway and RHA Annual 2021, Ireland.